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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

National Coordination Centres

The Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs) is constituted of 27 Centres, one from each Member State. They aim to boost research excellence and the competitiveness of the Union in the filed of cybersecurity. 

According to the Regulation, the National Coordination Centres are public sector entities, or mostly State owned, or performing public administration functions. They have the capacity to support the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) and the Network in fulfilling their mission. NCCs either possess or has access to research and technological expertise in cybersecurity and have the capacity to engage effectively and coordinate with industry, the public sector, the academic and research community and citizens. 

Funding sources of NCCs include, through the ECCC, the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe under the long-term EU budget 2021-2027, as well as contributions from Member States. 

List of confirmed National Coordination Centres


AustriaFederal Chancellery of Austria in cooperation with the Austrian Research Promotion Agencynccatbka [dot] gv [dot] at (ncc[at]bka[dot]gv[dot]at) 
BelgiumCentre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB)nccatccb [dot] belgium [dot] be (ncc[at]ccb[dot]belgium[dot]be)
BulgariaMinistry of Electronic Governance 
CroatiaCroatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET (NCC-HR)infoatnks [dot] hr (info[at]nks[dot]hr) 
CyprusDigital Security Authority (DSA)ncccatdsa [dot] ee [dot] cy (nccc[at]dsa[dot]ee[dot]cy)
Czech RepublicNational Cyber and Information Security Agencynccatnukib [dot] cz (ncc[at]nukib[dot]cz)
GermanyNational Coordination Centre for Cybersecurity - Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)nkcsatbsi [dot] bund [dot] de (nkcs[at]bsi[dot]bund[dot]de)
DenmarkThe Danish Business Authority  
EstoniaEstonian Information System Authority (RIA)takatria [dot] ee (tak[at]ria[dot]ee) 
GreeceNational Cybersecurity Authority of Greecenccatmindigital [dot] gr (ncc[at]mindigital[dot]gr)
IrelandNational Cyber Security Centre of Irelandncc-ncscatdecc [dot] gov [dot] ie (ncc-ncsc[at]decc[dot]gov[dot]ie)
HungaryGovernmental Agency for IT development (KIFÜ)ncc-huatkifu [dot] gov [dot] hu (ncc-hu[at]kifu[dot]gov[dot]hu) 
SpainNational Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE)
nccspainatincibe [dot] es (nccspain[at]incibe[dot]es)
FinlandFinnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-FI) 
FranceAgence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (ANSSI)NCC-FR [dot] ANSSIatssi [dot] gouv [dot] fr (NCC-FR[dot]ANSSI[at]ssi[dot]gouv[dot]fr)
ItalyAgenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN)nccatacn [dot] gov [dot] it (ncc[at]acn[dot]gov[dot]it)
LithuaniaNational Cyber Security Centre nkcatnksc [dot] lt (nkc[at]nksc[dot]lt) 
LuxembourgNational Cybersecurity Competence Center Luxembourgnccatnc3 [dot] lu (ncc[at]nc3[dot]lu)
LatviaMinistry of Defence…
MaltaMalta Information Technology Agency ncc [dot] mitaatgov [dot] mt (ncc[dot]mita[at]gov[dot]mt)
NetherlandsThe Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)infoatncc-nexis [dot] nl (info[at]ncc-nexis[dot]nl)
NorwayNorwegian National Security Authoritynccatnsm [dot] no (ncc[at]nsm[dot]no)
PolandNational Cybersecurity Coordination Centre Unit in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister

nccatmc [dot] gov [dot] pl (ncc[at]mc[dot]gov[dot]pl)


PortugalPortuguese National Coordination Centrenccatcncs [dot] gov [dot] pt (ncc[at]cncs[dot]gov[dot]pt)
RomaniaCentrul Național de Coordonarencc-roatgov [dot] ro (ncc-ro[at]gov[dot]ro)
SwedenSwedish Civil Contingencies Agencynscatmsb [dot] se (nsc[at]msb[dot]se)
SloveniaOffice of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for Information  Securityncc [dot] uivatgov [dot] si
SlovakiaCyber Security Competence and Certification Centre (KCCKB)ncc [dot] backofficeatcybercompetence [dot] sk (ncc[dot]backoffice[at]cybercompetence[dot]sk)