Portugal - NCC - European Union
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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

Portuguese National Cybersecurity Centre (CNCS) - Portugal

The Portuguese National Cybersecurity Centre (CNCS) develops its mission with the aim of contributing to a free, reliable and secure use of cyberspace of national interest.

The Portuguese National Cybersecurity Centre (CNCS) develops its mission with the aim of contributing to a free, reliable and secure use of cyberspace of national interest. The CNCS acts as operational coordinator and national authority in matters of cybersecurity for State entities, operators of national critical infrastructures, operators of essential services, and digital service providers.

CNCS focuses on the following activities and actions ;

* Awareness raising and training for (more) safe and responsible behaviours and attitudes in the use of technology and cyberspace and specialised training in the various domains of cybersecurity;

* Production and dissemination of alerts, guidelines and good practices for the (safer) use of technology by citizens and organisations, as well as technical recommendations and the production of standards and benchmarks aimed in particular at organisations;

* Production of knowledge about the state of national cybersecurity in its various aspects, including the definition of the national cyber security alert level;

* Through its internationally accredited CERT.PT service, and in strict articulation with the other competent bodies, effectively coordinating the response to incidents affecting the cyberspace of national interest; and

* Under the Legal Framework for Cyberspace Security, which transposes the European Directive on network and information security, exercising the powers of regulation and supervision for the different sectors of economic activity.