These sessions covered both technical aspects, such as threat modelling, supply chain security, challenges in data spaces, generative artificial intelligence and quantum computing, and non-technical areas, including how to build a cybersecurity ecosystem, how to engage civilians in cybersecurity and risk management.
The ECCO project Community Groups, in support of the ECCC, organised eight knowledge-sharing webinars during June and July, leveraging resources across various cybersecurity sectors. The six established ECCO Community Groups cover various topics within the realm of skills development, support for start-ups and SMEs, human factors in cybersecurity, synergies between civilian and space applications, cybersecurity road-mapping, and supply chain trust. They aim to involve National Cybersecurity Centres (NCCs) and engage the wider European cybersecurity community in capacity-building dialogues. The goal is to share knowledge and expertise on key cybersecurity topics relevant to Europe, aligning with the ECCC's strategic agenda. The following sections provide an overview of each webinar.
Enhancing Supply Chain Security: Strategies, Case Studies, and Roadmapping, 14 June 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Trusted Supply Chains, provided insights into several critical aspects of securing supply chains against sophisticated cyberthreats. The first session covered the balance between industry-specific cybersecurity needs and standardized re-usability. It highlighted the importance of compliance with various regulations and certification schemes for supply chain assurance. The second session addressed the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats within the cyber supply chain. This session covered challenges in securing complex attack surfaces, difficulties in implementing current standards and regulations, and lessons learned from past experiences.
The distinguished guest speakers Roland Atoui (Red Alert Labs) and Corrado Aaron Visaggio (University of Sannio - CINI and DefenceTech spa) were present during the webinar and provided their valuable perspectives and actionable insights into this critical topic for Europe.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
Engaging Citizens and Civil Society in Cybersecurity, 19 June 2024
In this webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Human Factors, we will explore the role that citizens and civil society participation can play in cybersecurity. The first part of the session will discuss why citizen engagement is desirable for ensuring accountability and for enhancing the acceptability of security measures. In the second part we will introduce a process model for citizen participation along the technology lifecycle, present the methodological toolbox developed in the TRANSCEND HEU Project, and address practical implementation challenges.
We were delighted to have guest speaker Dr. Michael Friedewald (Head of the Business Unit for Digital transformation in society and business at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research) preset to share his invaluable insights on the topic with us.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
Developing a Leading Industrial Cybersecurity Ecosystem: Lessons from the Basque Country, 24 June 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Start-ups, Scale-ups, and SMEs, focused on building a European cybersecurity ecosystem. As cyber threats evolved and became more sophisticated, the need for a robust and dynamic cybersecurity ecosystem was critical. The Basque Cybersecurity Agency (Cyberzaintza) had been at the forefront of this initiative, successfully transforming the Basque Country into a leading hub for cybersecurity innovation and industrial strength. The session featured insights from the leadership of the Basque Cybersecurity Agency, known for its successful initiatives and innovative approaches in building a thriving cybersecurity ecosystem in the Basque Country.
The main purpose of this session was to share the Basque Cybersecurity Agency’s experiences and best practices in developing a robust industrial cybersecurity ecosystem. Additionally, it provided an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss practical strategies for effectively tackling market challenges within their own ecosystems, drawing insights from successful practices implemented in the Basque Country.
We appreciated that Javier Diéguez Barriocanal (Managing Director of the Basque Cybersecurity Agency Cyberzaintza) was present to share his experiences on the subject and discussed with the audience his lessons learned.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
How to take control of the Cybersecurity Risk before it takes control of us?, 4 July 2024
In this webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Roadmapping, Artsiom Yautsiukhin (Institute for Informatics and Telematics (IIT) CNR) delved into the core aspects of cybersecurity risk management. He explored the objectives, methods, steps, and EU requirements necessary for effective risk management.
Next, Iva Tasheva (CYEN) addressed the various challenges associated with cybersecurity risk management. These insights were crucial for understanding the complexities and hurdles that organisations face in maintaining robust cybersecurity practices.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
Cybersecurity and privacy challenges in data spaces, 12 July 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Roadmapping, aimed at tackling challenges in data spaces. Data spaces aim to enable and secure trusted data exchange and collaboration between organisations. However, there were challenges that needed to be addressed to fully realise their potential, especially in the area of cybersecurity and privacy. Such challenges included fragmented access control, data provenance and trust, increased attack surface, and balancing data sharing with privacy. This webinar introduced the concept of secure data spaces in the first talk, addressed trust and privacy in computing platforms in the second talk, and addressed the issue of adding an existing data platform to a data space while addressing security and privacy challenges in the third talk.
We were delighted to feature the following guest speakers in our webinar: Fabio Martinelli (CNR), Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens (Institute for Software Technology (IST) at the University of Koblenz), Alberto Berreteaga (TECNALIA), and Xavier Lessage (CETIC). Their insights were invaluable, and we were grateful for their willingness to share their expertise and answer questions from the audience.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
Securing Space Operations: from cyber threats to cyber resilience, 17 July 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Synergies in Cybersecurity for Civilian and Space Applications, focused on securing space operations. The specific threats of cyberspace were characterised by their heightened dynamism, constant evolution, and capacity to generate harmful effects. This webinar focused on analysing cyber threats and attacks in the space sector, which can cause consequences of paramount importance. These consequences could affect our society's functioning and security, leading to a legal void, both at national and European levels.
We were honoured to have guest speaker Marcus Wallum’s (System and Application Architect, ESA) participation and thank him for sharing his interesting thoughts on the subject.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
Paradigm shift from cybersecurity to cyber resilience, 22 July 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Trusted Supply Chains, elaborated on the ongoing shift from cybersecurity to cyber resilience. Generative AI and quantum computing were highlighted as game changers for cybersecurity, acting as a double-edged sword that could support cyber defence as well as generate sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks. The discussion addressed the need for a paradigm shift from cybersecurity to cyber resilience and the importance of AI-based risk management. It was noted that existing "static" cybersecurity approaches needed to be rethought in favor of more "dynamic" ones, such as moving target defence. The webinar also explored the implications of the increasing and evolving threat landscape and how generative AI could support the development of zero-touch management of networks.
We were happy to feature guest speakers Gabrijela Dreo Rodosek (Bundeswehr University Munich) and Tomislav Nad (SGS Graz), and we thank them for their insights and presentations.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
LINDDUN GO, Lightweight & Gamified Privacy Threat Modelling, 23 July 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Human Factors, discussed LINDDUN GO, a lightweight and gamified privacy threat modelling approach. Privacy threat modelling played an important role in the implementation of software according to the principle of privacy by design. However, performing an exhaustive and thorough analysis using methods such as LINDDUN PRO (per-interaction) was a time- and resource-intensive endeavour. To meet increasing demand from practitioners for more accessible methods with a lower barrier to entry, LINDDUN GO was developed. This lightweight ‘flavour’ of LINDDUN strove to draw a wider audience into privacy threat modelling by distilling the framework into a narrowed down set of concrete threats and representing the information with a deck of custom-made playing cards. The cards could be used to ‘play’ through a threat modelling session according to a set of rules, or simply serve as inspiration for the threat modeller.
We were happy to have Jonah Bellemans (Doctoral Researcher at the DistriNet Research Group of KU Leuven) participate as a speaker, share his thoughts on the topic, and answer questions from the audience.
We invite you to read the presentation HERE.
The ECCC remains committed to building a robust European cybersecurity community. Moving forward, the ECCC will continue its efforts to provide platforms for the exchange of knowledge among National Coordination Centres and the broader European community, particularly focusing on strategically important topics. Anticipate further knowledge-sharing webinars in June, and stay updated by following the ECCC on social media platforms HERE and HERE, as well as monitoring the events page HERE, to make sure you do not miss out on upcoming webinars.
- Publication date
- 31 July 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology