The Cyber Security Competence and Certification Centre (KCCKB) unites the Slovak community and creates standards for assessment, education and European projects in cyber security. KCCKB activities include national coordination, education, compliance assessment and expertise in cyber security;
1. National coordination
A platform for cooperation between the public, private and academic sectors
National Cyber Security Industry, Technology and Research Center
Support of scientific, research activity and development in cyber security and information and communication technologies
2. Conformity assessment
Cyber security audit
Certification of persons for auditor and cyber security manager roles
Certification of cyber security products, processes and services
Assessment of technical means according to Act no. 215/2004 Coll. on the protection of classified information
Measurements of unwanted electromagnetic radiation and zone measurements
3. Education
Educational programs for cyber security managers and auditors
Raising awareness of cyber security in the general public
4. Expertise
Expert activity according to Act no. 382/2004 Coll. about experts, interpreters and translators
Consulting in cyber security, protection of classified information and trusted services