Title |
Governing Board (GB) meetings, GB members communication and exchange of documents |
Name and contact details of controller |
ECCC, ECCC GB secretariat CNECT-ECCC-GB ec [dot] europa [dot] eu (CNECT-ECCC-GB[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Note: During the transition period, the European Commission – DG CONNECT (“EC”) is responsible for the establishment and initial operations of the ECCC, i.e. until the ECCC has the operational capacity to implement its own budget.[1]
[1] Regulation (EU) 2021/887 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres, Article 46(1).
Name and contact details of DPO |
ECCC-DPO enisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (ECCC-DPO[at]enisa[dot]europa[dot]eu) |
Name and contact details of Joint Controller (where applicable) |
N/A |
Name and contact details of processor (where applicable) |
- EC DG DIGIT offering the CIRCABC collaboration platform which is used for storing and exchange of documents between GB members and observers[1]
- EC DG DIGIT offering MS Teams teleconference platform for remote participation to GB meetings[2]
- EC PMO offering the Advanced Gateway to your Meetings platform which is used by GB members to claim expenses related to GB meetings participation[3]
- EC DG DIGIT offering the ECCC GB mailing list[4]
[1] DPR-EC-01666.1 Record: https://ec.europa.eu/dpo-register/detail/DPR-EC-01666
[2] DPR-EC-04966.4 Record: https://ec.europa.eu/dpo-register/detail/DPR-EC-04966
[3] DPR-EC-01141.2 Record: https://ec.europa.eu/dpo-register/detail/DPR-EC-01141.3
[4] DPR-EC-03610.1 Record: https://ec.europa.eu/dpo-register/detail/DPR-EC-03610.1
Purpose of the processing |
The purpose of the processing is to support the overall functioning of the ECCC Governing Board (GB), including physical or hybrid meetings, communication between GB members and exchange of documents.
It covers:
- registering appointed Governing Board members, alternates, observers and relevant documents, including appointment letters, signed COI forms, etc)
- participation of members and observers to GB meetings
- documents, decisions, agenda(s), meeting minutes and participants list of each meeting
- provision of logistics for organization of GB meetings such as agenda,
- communication between ECCC GB secretariat and ECCC GB members
- follow up of the meetings
Description of data subjects |
Representatives to the ECCC Governing Board (GB) and their alternates by all EU member states, the European Commission and GB observers; other persons invited by GB request.
The legal basis is Regulation (EU) 1725/2018 Article 5 (1)(a) and Regulation (EU) 2021/887 Article 12 establishing the ECCC Governing Board
Description of data categories |
- General information
- contact data (Name, country, institution, telephone number, email address);
- travel and hotel booking data and invoices (for invited participants whose travel and accommodation are reimbursed by the ECCC including : name, destination, choice of schedule, choice and location of accommodation, etc.;
- ID/passport number, nationality and/or date of birth, in case this is required for security reasons by the meeting venue;
- user name, IP address, voice and image in case of remote participation to a GB meeting;
- Connection data, such as user name, IP address, last login, when accessing ECCC GB CIRCABC platform;
- Financial Information
- financial data (when the meeting and/or event is subject to fees or in case of reimbursement of invited participants);
- Special categories of personal data
- data on dietary purposes (if applicable).
- data related to access requirements (if applicable)
The specific personal data that will be processed will be mentioned in the specific privacy statement of the event. |
Retention Periods |
Data recipients |
- ECCC staff responsible for managing GB meetings and relevant financial transactions;
- Hosting GB organization staff responsible for organizing a GB meeting (venue, security control to enter the premises, social event arrangements) should this is required.
- All GB members can view lists and contact information of the other GB members through the ECCC GB CIRCABC platform.
- The names and affiliation of GB members and their declarations of conflict of interest are published on ECCC website for transparency.
Transfers to third countries |
- Transfers to third countries are foreseen only with regard to the use of MS Teams teleconferencing platform as per DPR-EC-04966.4 Record.
Security measures – General description |
General security policy and technical/organisational measures applicable to ECCC’s IT systems and ECCC’s website. Security measures of ECCC’s processor (under specific contract with ECCC.) Restriction of access to data of participants taking part in Governing Board meetings. |
Privacy statement |