ECCC Events - Going green - European Union
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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

ECCC Events - Going green

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About the Polish NCC-PL 

The Polish National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCC-PL) operates within the Ministry of Digital Affairs structure. It is a part of the European network of National Coordination Centres established in 2021 and working jointly with the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre (ECCC).

The aim of its activity is to develop the potential of European stakeholders acting in the field of cybersecurity. It is to strengthen the capacity and competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry, as well as to ensure the EU’s leadership and strategic autonomy in the field of cybersecurity.

NCC-PL is responsible for building and coordinating the Cybersecurity Competence Community in Poland as part of the European Community.

NCC-PL’s tasks include supporting the participation of Community members in cybersecurity projects, cooperation in developing training tools at the European level, and organisation of events such as expert meetings, conferences, matchmaking events, etc.

NCC-PL supports the participation of relevant entities in activities initiated by the ECCC, the NCC Network and the European Community, supports the participation of relevant entities in EU-funded projects and cross-border projects, assists in finding partners for joint projects and in establishing contacts with other entities, in initiating cooperation.   

NCC-PL is also tasked with developing the cybersecurity competence of Community members and raising public awareness. The goal of these activities is to build a single, widely recognised and accessible information hub, coordination centre and connection point, working with the developed national community, which contributes to the goals and missions of the ECCC and the NCC network, i.e. to strengthen the NCC network, the EU’s leadership and strategic autonomy in cybersecurity, strengthen the EU’s cybersecurity capabilities and enhance the competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity sector.   

The Competent Community includes industry organisations (including SMEs), academic and research organisations, civil society organisations, European standards organisations, public entities, other entities involved in the operational and technical aspects of cybersecurity, and, where applicable, stakeholders from sectors related to and facing challenges in cybersecurity.


About the ECCC

The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) aims to increase Europe’s cybersecurity capacities and competitiveness, working together with a Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs) to build a strong cybersecurity Community.


The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC), together with the Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs), is Europe’s new framework to support innovation and industrial policy in cybersecurity. This ecosystem will strengthen the capacities of the cybersecurity technology Community, shield our economy and society from cyberattacks, maintain research excellence and reinforce the competitiveness of EU industry in this field.

The ECCC, which will be located in Bucharest, will develop and implement, with Member States, industry and the cybersecurity technology Community, a common agenda for technology development and for its wide deployment in areas of public interest and in businesses, in particular SMEs. 

The Centre and the Network together will enhance our technological sovereignty through joint investment in strategic cybersecurity projects

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About ECCO

The ECCO Consortium (European Cybersecurity COmmunity) started on 19 December 2022, for a duration of two years. The goal of ECCO is to support activities needed to develop, promote, coordinate and organise the work of the Cybersecurity Competence Community at European Level, within the scope and operations of the ECCC and NCC Network. The project will strengthen Europe’s leadership in cybersecurity, support network and information system resilience and reliability, and increase the global competitiveness and high standards of the EU’s cybersecurity industry to retain and develop cybersecurity technological and industrial capacities.

ECCO partners are:


About ECCC Access-2-Market

The ECCC Access-2-Market matchmaking event organised by European Cybersecurity Competence Centre, Poland Cybersecurity Coordination Centre (NCC-PL), CYBERSEC FORUM/EXPO 2023, the Kosciuszko Institute and the #CyberMadeInPoland cluster, powered by the European Cybersecurity Community project (ECCO), is taking place on 22 June 2023 in Katowice, Poland.

The goal is to enable a tailored setting for CISOs and corporate leaders to meet, and spark connections, with some of Poland’s most eminent cybersecurity providers. Attendees will have plenty of opportunities to network with other stakeholders from the European Cybersecurity Community and take part in the exchange of information and ideas on the two prevailing topics in cybersecurity today: “Identity & Access Management” and “Risk Management & Risk Assessment”.

Cybersecurity companies that have developed innovative solutions or products will also be pitching in this event, demonstrating their expertise and sharing their insights in front of cybersecurity buyers and market participants (such as CISOs, integrators and investors). The ECCC has furthermore selected a Jury of industry experts who will be choosing the best two pitches of the day!

Besides the outstanding networking opportunities and presentations from companies, experts have been invited to dig deep into the two dedicated themes of the day and to share their insights in the form of keynote speeches and in valuable panel discussions.

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Cybersecurity Open Calls