Croatia - NCC - European Union
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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET - Croatia

CARNET’s international cooperation framework is collaboration with other academic and research networks in Europe, NREN (National Academic and Research Network), GÉANT Association organisation and Internet resource management organisations worldwide.

CARNET participates in a number of international activities. CARNET’s international cooperation framework is collaboration with other academic and research networks in Europe, NREN (National Academic and Research Network), GÉANT Association organisation and Internet resource management organisations worldwide. With its international activities, CARNET also connects Croatian research and education area with the European Research Area, (European Higher Education Area) and globally.

Within the international cooperation CARNET:

  • monitors the activities of other academic networks in Europe
  • participates in the work of international organisations that bring together national, educational, academic and research networks
  • encourages the inclusion of the Croatian Academic Community into international projects in the field of research and application of information technologies
  • provides coordination support for the participation of CARNET employees in international projects.

CARNET’s participation in international projects and cooperation with international organisations is parallel with building human resources of CARNET staff and associates through increased engagement in projects and greater absorption of funds, and they themselves become a stable communication channel of CARNET institution abroad. Over the years, CARNET has become a desirable and reliable partner on numerous projects, leading to ever-increasing international CARNET activities.

Special emphasis was put on the presentation of Croatia and its academic and research community in the world, through the organisation of numerous gatherings in the country, as well as participation at international gatherings. By intensifying international contacts and activities, a network is created suitable for exchange of information and best experience on the organisational and technological aspects of academic and research networks.

The most important project under the international cooperation is participation in the pan-European infrastructure project GÉANT4, which takes place under the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA). The project covers a period of seven years and is funded under the program Obzor 2020 (Horizon2020) and the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation (2014-2020).