The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre launches its first Info Day Event - European Union
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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network
  • News article
  • 25 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
  • 2 min read

The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre launches its first Info Day Event

ECCC Info Day in Stockholm on 16 June. Open calls: cybersecurity, standardization, coordination, preparedness, secure computing, privacy, AI security. Register via Digital Assembly website. Submit pitches by 8 June.

ECCC Info Days

The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC), with the support of ECCO, launches “The Info Days”, a series of events to share information on important European calls and funding opportunities. The second event, organised in cooperation with the Swedish National Coordination Centre, will be held on 16 June 14:00 – 16:00 in Stockholm, as a side event of the Digital Assembly (15 – 16 June). This Info Day will offer matchmaking sessions and networking opportunities for the European cybersecurity community to meet and form consortia to answer EU calls successfully.


The aim of the Info Days is to support public dissemination and raise awareness of the Digital Europe Programme’s and Horizon Europe’s open cybersecurity calls in various European countries. The event series will also inform on future calls, while engaging with relevant stakeholders and National Coordination Centres (NCCs). This is also an opportunity for the audience to engage with representatives of the official bodies issuing these funding opportunities through networking, Q&A sessions, and pitches.


On the 16 June, as a side event of the Digital Assembly, the ECCC aspires to engage more industrial actors by raising awareness of the upcoming funding opportunities. Consequently, contributing to more investment in European cybersecurity companies, stronger competition, and strengthening of the European cybersecurity market and economy.


To participate in this event, we welcome participants to register via the Digital Assembly website HERE.

European cybersecurity actors will be offered the unique opportunity to pitch their ideas for project proposals in front of the very representatives of the official bodies that issue European funding. Interested participants are requested to submit their pitches to infodays(at) before 8 June. We invite you to visit the event page HERE for more information on the application procedure and criteria.


The open calls for the Digital Europe Programme that will be presented are:

The open calls for Horizon Europe that will be presented are:


The event will be composed of four sessions. The ECCC will open the Info Day with an introduction of their work and the ECCO project, the available funding opportunities under the Horizon Europe programme and Digital Europe Programme. The audience will then be granted the opportunity to interact in the Q&A session on these European calls. The last session will be dedicated to networking opportunities for all attendees, and for interested cybersecurity stakeholders to present their pitches. Please note that pitches must be submitted beforehand. We invite you to follow the application instructions on the event page.


A large part of the European cybersecurity community will be present at the Digital Assembly, and the ECCC is confident that they will benefit significantly from the opportunity to access funding and exchange ideas.


More information announcing the agenda of the event and speakers will follow. Stay tuned.