These sessions covered crucial topics, such as protecting children's online privacy, cybersecurity requirements of the NIS2 Directive for the EU Space Sector, and network security challenges addressed by Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA).
The ECCO project Community Groups, in support of the ECCC, organised three knowledge-sharing webinars during September and October, leveraging resources across various cybersecurity sectors. The six established ECCO Community Groups cover various topics within the realm of skills development, support for start-ups and SMEs, human factors in cybersecurity, synergies between civilian and space applications, cybersecurity road-mapping, and supply chain trust. They aim to involve National Cybersecurity Centres (NCCs) and engage the wider European cybersecurity community in capacity-building dialogues. The goal is to share knowledge and expertise on key cybersecurity topics relevant to Europe, aligning with the ECCC's strategic agenda. The following sections provide an overview of each webinar.
From Awareness to Action: Enhancing Parental Engagement in Online Privacy Protection, 16 September 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Human Factors, addressed the urgent and critical issue of protecting children’s personal data in the digital age. As the collection of children’s data continues to increase, many parents have found it challenging to safeguard their children’s online privacy—often due to a lack of knowledge and awareness. This highlighted an essential need for privacy literacy training specifically designed for parents. The primary objective of this webinar was to shed light on the unique challenges faced by parents and to explore potential avenues for future research and EU-coordinated activities.
Attendees heard insights from our expert speaker, Ann-Kristin Lieberknecht, a doctoral candidate at Goethe University Frankfurt specialising in online privacy and its impact on families. Her research focuses on helping parents navigate and mitigate online privacy risks for their children, with the goal of creating a safer digital environment for families.
We invite you to read the full presentation HERE.
Understanding the new NIS2 Directive: cybersecurity requirements and their practical applications for the EU Space Sector, 27 September 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Synergies in Cybersecurity for Civilian and Space Applications, aimed to help organisations in the EU space sector navigate the new NIS2 Directive. The session provided a comprehensive overview of the Directive, analysed the differences between important and essential entities, and the related consequences. Moreover, the webinar focused on the critical cybersecurity requirements and practical steps to ensure compliance. It was also important to highlight the practical applications of cybersecurity strategies for the space sector. This knowledge was essential for NCCs to understand the NIS2 Directive’s implications in their Member State.
We invite you to read the presentation of the Community Group Chair HERE.
Security by Design through the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture, 23 October 2024
This webinar, organised by the ECCO Community Group on Human Factors, addressed the advancements in communication technology that have sparked the concept of connecting nearly everything to the Internet across various domains, from home appliances and medical devices to smart cars and large-scale infrastructure. However, creating a unified and secure network for these connected devices remains an ambitious goal, as the Internet was not originally designed with this purpose. Over time, protocols were developed, secured, and adapted for new domains, introducing numerous vulnerabilities along the way. In this session, we explored the inherited network architectural security issues that have raised significant concerns. We then examined the concept of security by design, explaining Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA), a promising network architecture, as a potential design solution. We discussed how RINA can address some network security challenges and mitigate common attacks, offering valuable insights for the future.
We invite you to read the full presentation HERE.
The ECCC remains committed to building a robust European cybersecurity community. Moving forward, the ECCC will continue its efforts to provide platforms for the exchange of knowledge among National Coordination Centres and the broader European community, particularly focusing on strategically important topics. Anticipate further knowledge-sharing webinars in November, and stay updated by following the ECCC on social media platforms HERE and HERE, as well as monitoring the events page HERE, to make sure you do not miss out on upcoming webinars.
- Publication date
- 7 November 2024
- Author
- European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre