Call for expression of interest to select entities that provide the necessary facilities to enlarge existing or host and operate new Cross-Border SOC Platforms/ Cross-Border Cyber Hubs.
The European Cybersecurity Competence Centre (ECCC) is launching a call for expression of interest to select entities in Member States that provide the necessary facilities to enlarge existing or host and operate new Cross-Border SOC Platforms/ Cross-Border Cyber Hubs.
Announced in the 2020 European Cybersecurity Strategy, and more detailed recently in the Cyber Solidarity Act, this is the second phase in the creation of a cross-border infrastructure of European Security Operations Centres (SOC), powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technologies.
The Cyber Solidarity Act envisages, as part of the European Cybersecurity Alert System, that a pan European network of Cyber Hubs should be established, to build and enhance coordinated detection and common situational awareness capabilities. It is also envisaged the support for the development and consolidation of the National Cyber Hubs and the Cross-Border Cyber Hubs, also referred to as National SOCs/ Cross-border SOCs.
Cross-border Security Operations Centres/ Cross-border Cyber Hubs will procure cyber threat detection tools and services together with the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre, which will contribute with EUR 17 million under the Digital Europe programme.
The programme will also fund up to EUR 5 million in grants to complement the joint procurement(s). For more details on the call for proposal for grants, please access the Funding & Tender Portal.
About this Call for Expression of Interest
The purpose of this call for expression of interest is to select entities that provide the necessary facilities to host and operate cross-border platforms for pooling data on cybersecurity threat between several Member States. The call for expression of interest will also build up the planning and design of necessary tools, infrastructures and services to be jointly purchased.
One or more multi-country consortia led by competent authorities from at least 3 Member States that would come together to create cross-border SOC platforms will be selected. Existing consortia can apply for the enlargement of the capabilities of the cross-border SOC platforms.
Please note that the call for expression of interest has been amended to better align section 6. Overview of the assessment and selection procedure with the established processes and procedures for the selection of actions to be funded by the ECCC as autonomous body, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2021/887. It is to be noted that this update DOES NOT modify in any way the call conditions, the eligibility or the evaluation criteria.
More details on the call for expression of interest are available here:
Corrigendum - Call for expression of interest on Cross-border SOCs/ Cyber Hubs
ANNEX 1A Information on the participants to new cross-border SOCs
ANNEX 1B Information on the participants to the enlargement of existing cross-border SOCs
ANNEX 2 Submission form Cross-Border
ANNEX 3 Hosting and Usage Agreement template Cross-Border SOCs
ANNEX 5 Blueprint architecture
How to apply to the Call for expression of interest
Expressions of interest (including annexes and supporting documents) must be submitted using the forms provided with this call for expression of interest.
Expressions of interest must be submitted in English, in the correct form, duly completed, and dated.
Your application must be readable, accessible and printable.
To submit your expressions of interest, please access the dedicated page.
Expressions of interest must be submitted before the call deadline 27 March 2025 17.00 hours CET
Questions and answers of broad interest and other important notices will be published at regular intervals. Please consult this website regularly to be informed of any updates and of the questions and answers published.
Data Protection Notice
Data Protection Notice for ECCC Calls for Expression of Interest