Austria - NCC - European Union
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European Cybersecurity Competence Centre and Network

Federal Chancellery of Austria in cooperation with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency - Austria

The National Cyber Security Coordination Center in Austria is a cooperation between the Federal Chancellery (BKA) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

The National Cyber Security Coordination Center in Austria is a cooperation between the Federal Chancellery (BKA) and FFG, and as part of the EU-wide network of national coordination centers together with the European Competence Center for Cyber Security (ECCC) forms the new European framework to support innovation and industrial policy in the field of cybersecurity.

The overall coordination of the National Coordination Center for Cyber Security Austria lies with the Federal Chancellery (BKA). The BKA acts as a national contact point and is represented on the Governing Board (GB) of the ECCC. The FFG supports the BKA, provides funding advice and helps the community to develop skills, as well as to submit applications and network.